Frequently Asked Questions

The City of Memphis is offering FREE Asymptomatic Testing for city employees and their families in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is very important for our city employees to know their health status and take preventative measures to ensure their safety, their family’s safety and the safety of the citizens they serve daily.

This opportunity will also help the Shelby County Health Department and Tennessee Department of Health manage and quantify data to determine measures to decrease the overall spread of COVID-19.

Q. Why should I take an asymptomatic COVID test?

A. There are many reasons why testing for COVID-19 is important, even for people who are not feeling sick. The primary reason to test everyone, even the asymptomatic individuals, is to definitively know who has the virus and who does not. Someone can still spread the virus even if they never start feeling sick or show symptoms. That is why it’s important to know for certain who is carrying COVID-19 and who is not.

Q. How will the test be administered?

B. Self-administered following these 3 steps:

a. Open Nasal Swap: Remove the nasal swab from the wrapper by pulling the two ends of the wrapper apart (like you would to open a Band-Aid).

b. Swab Nose: Gently insert the entire soft tip of the swab into one nostril until you feel a bit of resistance [approx. 0.5 inch] and rub it in a circle around your nostril for 10-15 seconds. Repeat using the same swab with the other nostril.

c. Put Swab In Tube: Lower the swab, tip first, into the provided tube. Once the tip is at the bottom, break the swab handle at the top of the tube by bending back and forth. Screw the cap on tightly. Complete.

Q. Is this test mandatory?

A. No, asymptomatic testing is not mandatory for employees or their families. However, it is highly encouraged.

Q. Who cannot participate in asymptomatic COVID-19 testing?

A. Individuals cannot test at asymptomatic testing sites if they fall under any of the following categories:

  • Has had contact with a COVID positive individual
  • Are experiencing symptoms themselves
  • Has had contact with an individual who is experiencing symptoms
  • Has tested positive in the past

Q. Is there a cost?

A. No, employees or their families will not incur a cost for asymptomatic testing.

Q. At what age can my child get tested?

A. Children ages two (2) and older can be tested.

Q. Are my results and information kept confidential? When will I receive my test results?

A. Yes. All patient information received to perform testing, which directly or indirectly identifies a patient or former patient, shall be kept confidential. However, it’s mandatory to report positive test results to the Shelby County Health Department and Tennessee Department of Health. You can expect to view your results within 48 hours.

Q. What happens if my results are positive?

A. Do not report to work. Follow your department’s protocols. You will be contacted by a contact tracer who will issue proper guidelines. The tracer will then inform all contacts that they may have been exposed (the positive person’s name is not identified) and will ask them to quarantine for 14 days. The positive employee as well as the contacts should expect a follow-up call from the Shelby County Health Dept. in the next couple of days.

Q. Can I take the test during work hours?

A. Yes, the asymptomatic test can be taken during shift hours.

Q. What is the schedule?

A. See your division’s schedule and family testing dates on the following pages.

Location: Glenview Community Center, 1141 S. Barksdale

Time: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.


  • November 9
  • November 20
  • December 4
  • December 11
  • December 18
  • December 23